Far Away

Greetings Explorer — Far Away is a cooperative, two-player game where a pair of brave explorers venture to alien planets to accomplish missions for the tragically under-funded Federation Alliance.

—Art Direction
—Graphic Design

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Mission Brief

The Federation Alliance doesn’t have new gear for every recruit who decides to join, nor would such a ludicrous waste of funds be approved. The equipment is in perfect working condition, albeit a bit dirty. The components are intentionally designed to look old and worn like a dusty computer, yellowed by the sun.

The real challenge designing Far Away was the vast amount of components in the box. With 8 unique missions, 32 alien creatures, and stacks of schematics, the design had to be clear and intuitive for easy gameplay.

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Demoing Far Away at SHUX

Demoing Far Away at SHUX



Game Design: Alex Jerabek
©Cherry Picked Games

Far Away funded on Kickstarter in 2019 and has plans on for an expansion.
For more information, please visit: www.CherryPickedGames.com